Suburban Snitches Get Clean Ditches.

These drainage ditches were naturally overgrown. Like most ditch systems, the neighborhood nor the city really gave a damn about em. These damn trees were the main tormentors of this particular…


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Aristotle once wrote “happiness depends upon ourselves.” In this world happiness isn’t easy to come by. We must create our own happiness or we will suffer for the rest of our lives. Happiness is found within ourselves. We are constantly competing with others. Trying to determine who’s house is bigger, who is the best salesman, who has the most money, who has the better life? Within the mix of that, we forget the most important question, who is the happiest? Although happiness isn’t a competition, its a prize. To say we are truly happy is the biggest accomplishment of them all. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how much money you have or how nice your car is. It all boils down to the ability to find happiness in even the darkest of places. Believe it or not we all face hardships in our lives, but how we overcome them, is the true battle. To get knocked down is easy, but to get back up and become a better person than you were before, is the hardest battle we will ever have to face. To gain happiness we have look deep down in ourselves. We need to stop depending on others to create our happiness. Depend on yourself. When reality hits, you are the only one who can truly create happiness for yourself. Because once those people or things you are depending on are gone, you are not going to be able to find your happiness. It is going to create a hole so far deep, you may never recover. So once we start creating our own happiness, our lives will become that much better. Happiness is the key to being great. Because when people see how truly happy your are, they start longing for that, and they create their own happiness. It becomes a cycle. In this generation, we think its okay to hide behind a fake laugh, but deep down we know we’d rather be anywhere else. We are a generation full of smiles, but broken hearts. This façade we create, this mask we put on, will all one day fade away. We will show our brokenness in the way we act, the way we work, and the way we perform. All this fake happiness withers away, until all that is left, is our broken image. Society has set rules, if your aren’t the skinniest, wealthiest, or prettiest, you are ridiculed. Apparently, wealthy, skinny, and pretty is “happy.” Its not. This is the image of hurt, fright, despair, and anger. The image of a breaking society. Once we realize that being happy is created within us, there is no limit to the things we can create. So with this, I challenge you, to find your inner happiness. Believe it or not, its there, you just have to search.

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